RPGs and their Dialogue Systems
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Role-playing games (RPGs) are one of the most popular genres in video games, and they often involve complex dialogue systems. In this article, I will examine RPGs, their dialogue systems, and best practices for game development.
From a KVG game “El Cid & the Cult of the Wastelands” that I helped to create. Check it out for free here: https://kaptainviciorious.itch.io/el-cid
Introduction to RPGs and Dialogue Systems
RPGs are a type of interactive video game in which players usually assume the role of a specific character and play through a story. This allows players to experience different emotions and situations, while also making choices that can lead to unique outcomes. These games put a heavy emphasis on narrative, and the decisions the player makes during the gameplay also drive the story forward. This makes the game experience richer since the actions of the player can have consequences in the game world, such as advancing the plot or affecting other characters.
Since RPGs are so heavily focused on story and character development, developers often want to create a rich and engaging environment for their players. To do that, they need to implement a way for the players to interact with the world of the game. This is usually done using dialogue systems, which give the player control over a character’s actions and allow them to talk to other characters in the world, developing the characters, setting, and story.
For example, a player may be given the option to respond to a character’s question in various ways, or they may be able to choose between multiple dialogue options to progress the story. Dialogue systems also allow players to make decisions and influence the outcome of the game. There are two main types of RPGs: turn-based and dynamic. Each type has its unique dialogue system. To make the process of choosing dialogue systems easier, this article will look at two of the most common types and explain their advantages and disadvantages.
So, let’s dive in!
Many RPGs use a turn-based dialogue system that is typically slower-paced. This type of system is often text-based, with players selecting dialogue options from a list. The NPC then responds, and the conversation continues until the player has exhausted all of the options or has reached the conclusion of a certain thread. While it might seem unnatural to be able to pause and think about their choices this type of dialogue system allows for more in-depth conversations and character development.
Another benefit of turn-based dialogue systems is that they are easy to understand and follow. Players don’t always need to take any special actions to progress the conversation, as the dialogue options are laid out for them. This type of system works well for games that don’t have much action happening at the same time as conversation. It also ensures that there is only one character who is speaking at a time, giving the player more control over the conversation by giving them the ability to decide when they want to talk next.
Designing a turn-based system can be a daunting task, depending on the narrative depth of the game. Programs like Twine, Inkle, and Articy allow narrative designers and writers to make complex dialogue trees with many branching narratives.
If you have played a long RPG like any of Bioware’s games (KOTOR. Dragon Age trilogy, Mass Effect trilogy) or the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, then you have experienced some extremely complex narrative design with a multitude of variables and possible outcomes that allow players to make dramatic decisions and drastically influence the outcome of the game. Also, the conversations are tailored to the characters’ personalities and convey important plot points and character motivations.
These kinds of games integrate the dialogue system into combat-heavy gameplay very well, choosing the right moments to give the player a rest from fighting enemies with interesting and sometimes hilarious conversations (“Found the pan, have ye?”) that help to make the game more immersive and fill out the worlds of these games.
Dynamic dialogue systems are typically faster-paced and involve players reacting quickly to progress the game. This type of dialogue system allows for more action-oriented gameplay with the player controlling a character’s actions in real time. Characters will be constantly responding to each other as things happen in the world, and the player can react and respond to these conversations as they happen.
This is a more natural way of interacting with a game world, but it can also be quite distracting and difficult to follow if there are lots of things happening at once causing players to miss the meat of the dialogue completely. The difficulty of tracking a conversation can be compounded by the fact that more than one of the characters can be talking at the same time, which makes it very hard to differentiate what is being said.
RPGs with dynamic systems certainly have branching narratives like turn-based systems do, but they are limited in that the options need to be more streamlined and often shorter. Player responses in a dynamic system cannot be overly long, as the player has a limited amount of time to read through the options and make their choice.
The dynamic system of dialogue in Oxenfree is a great example of this type of system working well with the gameplay and themes of the game. The, at times, casual nature of conversations between characters creates a unique experience for the player as they explore the world.
If it is paramount for gameplay that the action never stops, then a dynamic system might be the way you want to go. Just be aware that players will miss out on some of the dialogue as they deal with complex game mechanics or distracting, though possibly immersive, visuals.
Narrative Design in RPGs and Dialogue Systems
Narrative design is possibly the most important part of RPGs and their dialogue systems. The narrative designer must organize complex dialogue conversations and have a method of incorporating them into the gameplay and mechanics. Narrative design is also important in terms of developing the characters and their relationships with one another as the conversations PCs and NPCs have together will define how the player perceives them more than any other aspect of the game.
Dialogue systems should be designed to allow players to experience the story in a meaningful way. Dialogue should be written in a way that is engaging and interesting, and it should be tailored to the characters’ personalities. Additionally, dialogue should be used to convey important plot points and character motivations throughout the gameplay. Overusing cutscenes and cinematics not only increases the cost of game development but also reduces player agency. Though cinematics might look cool to investors or in promotional trailers, they can take the player out of the game world by removing their ability to control events.
Intuitive quest design is also important in RPG dialogue systems, as it allows players to progress in the game and engage with the narrative. Quests should be designed in a way that is interesting and engaging for player immersion. Along with proper game design that helps to ensure that the dialogue is engaging and that the game is fun to play, quest design should create interesting and engaging encounters and puzzles throughout the game.
Though I have plenty more to say about narrative design, a deeper dive into its complexity will have to find its place in a subsequent article.
In conclusion, RPGs and their dialogue systems are important aspects of video games. Dialogue systems allow players to make decisions and influence the outcome of the game, as well as to experience the story in a more meaningful way. The two main types of dialogue systems: turn-based and dynamic each has its own unique gameplay that will work best with different kinds of games. Additionally, narrative design, quest design, and game design are all important aspects of choosing the right dialogue system for your game.
Ultimately, RPG dialogue systems help to develop the characters, setting, and story. They can be complex and difficult to design, and they often require a great deal of planning and writing. However, when a dialogue system is done correctly, it can greatly enhance the gaming experience. That is why game studios should bring a narrative designer on board as early as possible in development.
Too often development teams bring on a narrative team after the game mechanics and design is already well underway. This becomes apparent in games (which I won’t name) that feel like the story was tacked on at the end. For the game mechanics and narrative to work best together, a narrative designer needs to be in the room when the game is still in the embryonic stage. Also, in RPGs, where worldbuilding and lore are very important for player immersion, a narrative designer can help create a world that serves to highlight the game’s best mechanics and designs.
If you’re interested in exploring the genre of RPGs further, check out these popular titles with dialogue systems: Disco Elysium, Pillars of the Earth, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Banner Saga trilogy, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Oxenfree, Mass Effect trilogy, and the Dragon Age trilogy. (Oh wow… a lot of BioWare… hmm I wonder why?)
Let me know in the comments if you’d like to hear my take on any of these great titles in my next article.
Currently Playing: Disco Elysium, which might be what one of my next articles is about as it has over 1 million words of dialogue throughout the game, and Mass Effect as a total Paragon, which I did not do on my first playthrough though a vast majority of players apparently only play the Paragon route.
RPGs, Dialogue Systems, Video Games, Roleplaying Games, Turn-based, Dynamic, Narrative Design, Dialogue, Quest Design, Game Design